Friday, May 22, 2015

Christians do not agree with the mad man Tim Lee (PADA)

Tim Lee's program supports, promotes and encourages people to visit Tattva Darshan's Bhaktivedanta Village in India, where it has been reported many times, by many devotees, that Tattva molests little children, boys and girls on his property.  PADA and his buddy Yasodanandana (Joseph Langevin) visit Tattva, who was convicted in Cambodia and served 2 years in jail before his Hare Krishna Society buddies paid for his release.  No Christian anywhere would support pedophilia. Maybe there are so child molesters who live as priests, reverends, pastors, deacons but the average Christian who goes to church on Sunday, does not support or condone pedophilia anywhere.

Tim Lee's program makes no distinction between a devotee and a child molester.  In fact, if a devotee is a child molester, but supports Tim Lee's program, Tim Lee will not say a word about him.  But if the child molester does not support Tim Lee's program, Tim Lee will call him out and accuse the molester of being a horrible pedophile, homosexual and anything else Tim Lee decides to call him.  But if Yasodanandana and Damagosha visit a convicted child molester who supports Tim Lee's program, he keeps quiet about it.

Tim Lee claims that Christians agree with him that the GBC gurus are not Jesus-Like gurus.  Christians do not agree that anyone can be Jesus-like.  They definitely do not agree with him that Prabhupada was Jesus Like and could accept karma like Jesus.  They do not agree that worshiping Prabhupada is the same as worshiping Jesus.   They do not agree with anything that Tim Lee says.  They do not agree that chanting does anything or is necessary.  They do not agree that Prabhupada was special in anyway, shape, or form.  Who is Tim Lee trying to fool with this talk about Christians agree with him?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The latest ramblings of PADA confirm the fact that Hare Krishna is a dangerous, violent, destructive cult.  Here Tim Lee shows the world how dangerous and violent it is, and he admits, it's "just for asking questions."

From Tim Lee's Blog  KRISHNA1008

*** And when Gaura govinda began to challenge the GBC -- he also died suddenly at Mayapura. And some of his followers wrote to tell me they think he had been poisoned. Of course poison is not always a weapon of choice ...

*** Chatur Bahu's murder was considered as an inside job.  

*** Randal Gorby's house exploding was considered as done by New Vrndavana, 

*** Taru's disappeared and was later found buried in New Vrndavana.

*** Chakradhari was an inside job.

*** Jeeva was found shot to death, considered an inside job.

*** Sulochana was a New Vrndavana / Los Angeles hit. 

*** Vrndavana temple president Kadamba shooting was an inside job, even he says that.  

*** Kheelan shotgun murder was an inside job. 

*** Joe Sanchez house shot with multiple shot guns for questioning crimes. 

*** Mahamsa told Hrdayananda that he thought he would be killed for questioning ...

*** Kulashekhara was beaten almost to death by Bhakti Tirtha disciples.

*** Woman who complained Bhakti tirtha was hitting on her -- was killed.

*** Sridhara Maharaja people were told his life was in danger.

*** Narayana Maharaja said he wanted only trusted people to cook for him. 

*** PADA editor has lost count of death threats we get.

Since PADA himself claims to be the victim of death threats, how could anyone new come to this cult, see the list of violence committed by devotees against devotees and want to join?    They keep the list of killing of devotees by devotees covered up,  but here PADA blows the cover off his own dangerous cult.

Friday, May 15, 2015

So here we have PADA claiming that Rocana das (Sampradaya Sun editor) wants to be the guru for the GBC. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Rocana extends GBC Guru Voting


But actually it is PADA that wants to be the guru of Rocana and the GBC and have them submit and surrender to what PADA  ( Tim Lee) thinks is correct and authorized.  Never mind what anyone or any institution thinks, it is Tim Lee that decides what is correct, moral, authorized, spiritual, legal, ethical and in accordance with Prabhupada's teachings. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

PADA is still circulating the idea that the moon landing was a hoax.  Why?  Because Prabhupada said man could never go to the moon.  He was wrong.  and the Hare Krishnas cannot accept the idea that Prabhupada was wrong.  He was wrong about so many things I cannot list them all.  Here are just a few things that Prabhupada got wrong:

1. Dinosaurs never existed.

2. Women's brains are smaller than men's brains

3. Man could not land on the moon because the Bhagavatam says so, therefore, man did not land on the moon.

4. Women keep dogs for sex.

5. Pigeons can carry a person to outer space.

6. An eclipse of the moon is a demon head attacking the moon.

etc.etc. etc.

Prabhupada was as far from being pure and perfect as Jupiter is far from the Earth.


Scientific Explanation of Moon Landing Hoax

Monday, May 11, 2015

Hare Krishna devotee admits Prabhupada teaches them to cheat people for Krishna and its good:

Mahesh Raja says:
Good point George. However, the “cheating” by the great souls is for Krsna(A GREAT CAUSE):
SB 1.13.37 P Dhrtarastra Quits Home
That great souls cheat others may be astonishing to know, but it is a fact that great souls cheat others for a great cause. IT IS SAID THAT LORD KRSNA ALSO ADVISED YUDHISTHIRA TO TELL A LIE BEFORE DRONACARYA, AND IT WAS ALSO FOR A GREAT CAUSE. THE LORD WANTED IT, AND THEREFORE IT WAS A GREAT CAUSE. Satisfaction of the Lord is the criterion of one who is bona fide, and the highest perfection of life is to satisfy the Lord by one’s occupational duty.
Krishna is to blame.

From Krishna1008.blogspot

[PADA: Krishna is blamed by the atheists for all the troubles in the world. Does Krishna cause people to deviate, or do they desire to deviate, and He simply facilitates that by creating the material world? If deviant people mis-use the teachings of God, why is God to blame for that? "]

Krishna says in BG that " not a blade of grass moves without My sanction, O Arjuna."

So that means Krishna sanctions all evil deeds in this world.  there is no other explanation.
PADA aka Tim Lee has posted a link to an article entitled : 

American Cheerleaders in India's Cricket Games

 Why is PADA directing his devotee followers to read mundane literature about the conditions for women in India?  what is he trying to to do?  Is it his hatred for Indians and Hindus that makes him want to show his followers articles on the internet anything negative about India and Hindus?  It certainly has nothing to do with ISKCON, Krishna, Prabhupada or even Yoga.  It's an article about women cheerleaders in India's cricket league.