Monday, May 11, 2015

Today PADA  aka Tim Lee is advertising Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Chaitanya Charitamrita for sale.  Let's examine what this book really is.  From

In defense of Bhaktivinod, scribes have recognized the strong need to influence colonizers among the Bengali intelligentsia.  This spirit touched Kedarnath Datta, who sent an English biography of Chaitanya's he had authored in 1896 to numerous Western Universities.  So the Gaudiya idea of cracking the Western market with spiritual concepts was not new.  But why was literature, its authenticity challenged in India, being pedaled as genuine in the West?  Could it be that Westerners would finally succumb to the product if it was shaped and reshaped until everything was perfectly yogic, smelt of incense, and sounded like exotic truth?  From reading Gaudiya literature it becomes apparent that they believed so; even claiming divine prediction.  So when finally, near exhaustion, bankruptcy, and on their last legs, the Gaudiyas hit paydirt with A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami, who renamed and retailored the Gaudiya product that was never sellable in India, it was an opportunity to validate their vagaries and flood the world with Gaudiya stories... for a donation.
Okay.  Did you know- 6):

"They do not accept the Caitanya Upanishad: recently there was a discussion on that Upanisad instigated by babaji's party and they had argued that this Upanisad was invented by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura to promote his cause of the discovery of Navadvipa-dhama. Many of the other opposite parties such as Sri-vaisnavas and Tattva-vadis are now taking advantage of the doubts on the legitimacy of this Upanisad raised by the Gaudiya-vaisnava camp himself."
"Let us consider why they don't accept Caitanya Upanisad. The evidence that we have is that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura published it from a single manuscript. That manuscript has never been seen by no one else but him. This is not an encouraging proof of authenticity of an Upanisad. One should observe that not all Gaudiya-vaisnavas are in Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's preceptorial line, some are actually his adversaries regarding many points of tattva and siddhanta. They would not accept an Upanisad revealed by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura as bona fide due their countless divergences with him. Can you imagine what the other opposite parties who aren't even Gaudiya-vaisnavas would say of a proof like that?"
"This a a short Upanisad counted among the apocryphal Upanisads. It recognizes Sri Caitanya as the supreme, but it seems to borrow or imitate well known passages from other older Upanisads. It looks like another contribution to Vaisnava literature from the pen of Thakur Bhaktivinoda. He is as far as I know the only one to publish it or write a commentary on it."

In an article entitled "Chaitanya-caritAmrita-mahA-kAvya," which appeared in the Bengali periodical Caturanga of May 1985, the late Dr. Tarapada Mukherjee raised a number of questions about the authenticity of CCMK, casting doubt on both the date of its composition and the name of its author. Basing the greater part of his argument on a study of the colophons of a number of old manuscripts, Mukherjee concluded that the work is a forgery dating probably from the seventh or eighth decades of the seventeenth century.

1 comment:

  1. This blog use the name of PADA to bewilder the readers interresting in the ISKCON GBC shenanigans. PADA informs when the author of this blog is an old homosexual canadian ex disciple of Prabhupada who have been baned for molesting young brahmacari. He is a pederast of the worst specie who likes to deride ISKCON. His name is Henri Jolicoeur. He will die soon because of his old age and will go to hell.
