Tim Lee aka PADA is unable to serve his guru Prabhupada. PADA was unable to serve Prabhupada in 1977 when he dressed up as a gopi with his buddies in the Gopi Bhava Club in Los Angeles. When he was chastised for the offense by Prabhupada himself, PADA screamed at Prabhupada and walked out and never returned. Years later, PADA decides he is the most advanced and knowledgeable devotee, analyzing, criticizing and attacking any other devotee that PADA disagrees with. In 2011 PADA himself was defending Tattva Darshana das, a convicted sex offender who was sentenced to prison in Cambodia for sex with under age girls. PADA launched a smear campaign against Sri Mukunda das when Sri Mukunda exposed the connection between PADA , the HAre Krishna Society and Tattva Darshan das.
Tim Lee who lives in Berkeley, Ca, is still unable to serve Srila Prabhuapda. There is a temple in Sunnyvale where PADA could go serve full time. He likes to claim credit for everything this temple does, but yet Tim Lee is unable to serve in that temple. Tim Lee is not a real devotee. He is still the blooped devotee he was when he screamed at Prabhupada and stormed out. Nothing has changed. He is still giving Prabhupada an enormous amount of negative publicity.
But you , Jolicoeur, you have blooped also . The diference is your demonic hate for the acharyas.