Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Facism of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (AC De)

De: “Arcye visnau [break] when it will teach military art, with tilaka, soldiers will, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna (laughter) We want that. Marching with military band, Hare Krsna. You maintain this idea. Is it not good? ....[...]... When there will be military march of Krsna conscious soldiers. Anyone who does not believe in Krsna, Blam! (laughter) Yes. The same process as the Mohammedans did, with sword and Koran, we'll have to do that. Do you believe in Krsna or not? No, sir. Blam! Finished. (laughter, Prabhupada laughs)...[...]... What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that. (laughter) Then it will be counteraction of communist movement. And you think like that.”  (Morning Walk March 15, 1974, Vrndavana)
De"It is not that because Mohammed used a sword, we also must use a sword, No ! - we can use a Gun. We will ask -...You like Krishna ?? No -- Booom.. You like Krishna ? No -- Booom . We can use everything for Krishna, we can use the ATOM BOMB FOR KRISHNA !!
 “Arjuna was a great Vaishnava, and he was killing. Bhima was a great Vaishnava, and he was killing. Dhruva Maharaja was a Vaishnava, and he was killing. Parikshit Maharaja was killing. Prahlada Maharaja was killing. Rama was killing. Krishna was killing. Practically speaking, Vaishnavas are killers.” 
: "
Oh, yes. Why not? Kill them."
De: "We have to kill this civilization of mudhas....those who are mudhas, we have to kill them. This is our business. Kill all the mudhas."
"Kill them. Finish. Just like Parasurama did. Kill all them, twenty-one times."
De: "What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that."
De: "You will get government...[....].... You turn all the people Krishna conscious, then you become President
De: "If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, he should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer's tongue and kill the offender."

1 comment:

  1. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada at that morning walk was speaking figuratively-- not literally in the sense of assassination. That he was speaking figuratively is to be considered because of the jocular tone of delivery (there was laughter). The laughter was not due to a ruthless and demonic tenor held by those laughing. If Srila Prabhupada had seriously wanted us to start killing, he would have organized the establishment of martial arts studios and etc. What intelligent person honestly believes that we could actually succeed in a crusade of such mass casual killing? Its' absurd, and it could not work. Such a crusade is not our calling. Srila Prabhupada has said that we cannot kill the demons, but we can expose them. We are here to shed light. If you acknowledge the example set by Sri Nityananda Prabhu when Sri Caitanya was hit in the head as by a fool who knew not what he was doing, we see that empathy is felt by the devotee even for his adversary. But at the same time, we are not pacifists. We shall defend our own. We do not see the general populace of the world as a particular danger to us. But we do recognize that a select great minority of powerful and influential individuals in the world harbor sinister and malicious agendas which are destructive not just to us, but to everyone in the entire world. The major newspapers do not publish reports of Hare Krishnas engaging in mass casual on-the-spot killings. We are not known for that. Perhaps the author of the above blog should become familiar in a more well-rounded way with the copious other peaceful and redeeming instructions by Srila Prabhupada. We are in the Guiness Book of World Records for having distributed over 3 billion plates of food--which is certainly a notable credit--and not the killing of 3 billion people-- which seems to be what the author of the above blog would seem to be more inclined to focus on.
