Friday, May 22, 2015

Christians do not agree with the mad man Tim Lee (PADA)

Tim Lee's program supports, promotes and encourages people to visit Tattva Darshan's Bhaktivedanta Village in India, where it has been reported many times, by many devotees, that Tattva molests little children, boys and girls on his property.  PADA and his buddy Yasodanandana (Joseph Langevin) visit Tattva, who was convicted in Cambodia and served 2 years in jail before his Hare Krishna Society buddies paid for his release.  No Christian anywhere would support pedophilia. Maybe there are so child molesters who live as priests, reverends, pastors, deacons but the average Christian who goes to church on Sunday, does not support or condone pedophilia anywhere.

Tim Lee's program makes no distinction between a devotee and a child molester.  In fact, if a devotee is a child molester, but supports Tim Lee's program, Tim Lee will not say a word about him.  But if the child molester does not support Tim Lee's program, Tim Lee will call him out and accuse the molester of being a horrible pedophile, homosexual and anything else Tim Lee decides to call him.  But if Yasodanandana and Damagosha visit a convicted child molester who supports Tim Lee's program, he keeps quiet about it.

Tim Lee claims that Christians agree with him that the GBC gurus are not Jesus-Like gurus.  Christians do not agree that anyone can be Jesus-like.  They definitely do not agree with him that Prabhupada was Jesus Like and could accept karma like Jesus.  They do not agree that worshiping Prabhupada is the same as worshiping Jesus.   They do not agree with anything that Tim Lee says.  They do not agree that chanting does anything or is necessary.  They do not agree that Prabhupada was special in anyway, shape, or form.  Who is Tim Lee trying to fool with this talk about Christians agree with him?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The latest ramblings of PADA confirm the fact that Hare Krishna is a dangerous, violent, destructive cult.  Here Tim Lee shows the world how dangerous and violent it is, and he admits, it's "just for asking questions."

From Tim Lee's Blog  KRISHNA1008

*** And when Gaura govinda began to challenge the GBC -- he also died suddenly at Mayapura. And some of his followers wrote to tell me they think he had been poisoned. Of course poison is not always a weapon of choice ...

*** Chatur Bahu's murder was considered as an inside job.  

*** Randal Gorby's house exploding was considered as done by New Vrndavana, 

*** Taru's disappeared and was later found buried in New Vrndavana.

*** Chakradhari was an inside job.

*** Jeeva was found shot to death, considered an inside job.

*** Sulochana was a New Vrndavana / Los Angeles hit. 

*** Vrndavana temple president Kadamba shooting was an inside job, even he says that.  

*** Kheelan shotgun murder was an inside job. 

*** Joe Sanchez house shot with multiple shot guns for questioning crimes. 

*** Mahamsa told Hrdayananda that he thought he would be killed for questioning ...

*** Kulashekhara was beaten almost to death by Bhakti Tirtha disciples.

*** Woman who complained Bhakti tirtha was hitting on her -- was killed.

*** Sridhara Maharaja people were told his life was in danger.

*** Narayana Maharaja said he wanted only trusted people to cook for him. 

*** PADA editor has lost count of death threats we get.

Since PADA himself claims to be the victim of death threats, how could anyone new come to this cult, see the list of violence committed by devotees against devotees and want to join?    They keep the list of killing of devotees by devotees covered up,  but here PADA blows the cover off his own dangerous cult.

Friday, May 15, 2015

So here we have PADA claiming that Rocana das (Sampradaya Sun editor) wants to be the guru for the GBC. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Rocana extends GBC Guru Voting


But actually it is PADA that wants to be the guru of Rocana and the GBC and have them submit and surrender to what PADA  ( Tim Lee) thinks is correct and authorized.  Never mind what anyone or any institution thinks, it is Tim Lee that decides what is correct, moral, authorized, spiritual, legal, ethical and in accordance with Prabhupada's teachings. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

PADA is still circulating the idea that the moon landing was a hoax.  Why?  Because Prabhupada said man could never go to the moon.  He was wrong.  and the Hare Krishnas cannot accept the idea that Prabhupada was wrong.  He was wrong about so many things I cannot list them all.  Here are just a few things that Prabhupada got wrong:

1. Dinosaurs never existed.

2. Women's brains are smaller than men's brains

3. Man could not land on the moon because the Bhagavatam says so, therefore, man did not land on the moon.

4. Women keep dogs for sex.

5. Pigeons can carry a person to outer space.

6. An eclipse of the moon is a demon head attacking the moon.

etc.etc. etc.

Prabhupada was as far from being pure and perfect as Jupiter is far from the Earth.


Scientific Explanation of Moon Landing Hoax

Monday, May 11, 2015

Hare Krishna devotee admits Prabhupada teaches them to cheat people for Krishna and its good:

Mahesh Raja says:
Good point George. However, the “cheating” by the great souls is for Krsna(A GREAT CAUSE):
SB 1.13.37 P Dhrtarastra Quits Home
That great souls cheat others may be astonishing to know, but it is a fact that great souls cheat others for a great cause. IT IS SAID THAT LORD KRSNA ALSO ADVISED YUDHISTHIRA TO TELL A LIE BEFORE DRONACARYA, AND IT WAS ALSO FOR A GREAT CAUSE. THE LORD WANTED IT, AND THEREFORE IT WAS A GREAT CAUSE. Satisfaction of the Lord is the criterion of one who is bona fide, and the highest perfection of life is to satisfy the Lord by one’s occupational duty.
Krishna is to blame.

From Krishna1008.blogspot

[PADA: Krishna is blamed by the atheists for all the troubles in the world. Does Krishna cause people to deviate, or do they desire to deviate, and He simply facilitates that by creating the material world? If deviant people mis-use the teachings of God, why is God to blame for that? "]

Krishna says in BG that " not a blade of grass moves without My sanction, O Arjuna."

So that means Krishna sanctions all evil deeds in this world.  there is no other explanation.
PADA aka Tim Lee has posted a link to an article entitled : 

American Cheerleaders in India's Cricket Games

 Why is PADA directing his devotee followers to read mundane literature about the conditions for women in India?  what is he trying to to do?  Is it his hatred for Indians and Hindus that makes him want to show his followers articles on the internet anything negative about India and Hindus?  It certainly has nothing to do with ISKCON, Krishna, Prabhupada or even Yoga.  It's an article about women cheerleaders in India's cricket league.
Today PADA  aka Tim Lee is advertising Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Chaitanya Charitamrita for sale.  Let's examine what this book really is.  From

In defense of Bhaktivinod, scribes have recognized the strong need to influence colonizers among the Bengali intelligentsia.  This spirit touched Kedarnath Datta, who sent an English biography of Chaitanya's he had authored in 1896 to numerous Western Universities.  So the Gaudiya idea of cracking the Western market with spiritual concepts was not new.  But why was literature, its authenticity challenged in India, being pedaled as genuine in the West?  Could it be that Westerners would finally succumb to the product if it was shaped and reshaped until everything was perfectly yogic, smelt of incense, and sounded like exotic truth?  From reading Gaudiya literature it becomes apparent that they believed so; even claiming divine prediction.  So when finally, near exhaustion, bankruptcy, and on their last legs, the Gaudiyas hit paydirt with A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami, who renamed and retailored the Gaudiya product that was never sellable in India, it was an opportunity to validate their vagaries and flood the world with Gaudiya stories... for a donation.
Okay.  Did you know- 6):

"They do not accept the Caitanya Upanishad: recently there was a discussion on that Upanisad instigated by babaji's party and they had argued that this Upanisad was invented by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura to promote his cause of the discovery of Navadvipa-dhama. Many of the other opposite parties such as Sri-vaisnavas and Tattva-vadis are now taking advantage of the doubts on the legitimacy of this Upanisad raised by the Gaudiya-vaisnava camp himself."
"Let us consider why they don't accept Caitanya Upanisad. The evidence that we have is that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura published it from a single manuscript. That manuscript has never been seen by no one else but him. This is not an encouraging proof of authenticity of an Upanisad. One should observe that not all Gaudiya-vaisnavas are in Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's preceptorial line, some are actually his adversaries regarding many points of tattva and siddhanta. They would not accept an Upanisad revealed by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura as bona fide due their countless divergences with him. Can you imagine what the other opposite parties who aren't even Gaudiya-vaisnavas would say of a proof like that?"
"This a a short Upanisad counted among the apocryphal Upanisads. It recognizes Sri Caitanya as the supreme, but it seems to borrow or imitate well known passages from other older Upanisads. It looks like another contribution to Vaisnava literature from the pen of Thakur Bhaktivinoda. He is as far as I know the only one to publish it or write a commentary on it."

In an article entitled "Chaitanya-caritAmrita-mahA-kAvya," which appeared in the Bengali periodical Caturanga of May 1985, the late Dr. Tarapada Mukherjee raised a number of questions about the authenticity of CCMK, casting doubt on both the date of its composition and the name of its author. Basing the greater part of his argument on a study of the colophons of a number of old manuscripts, Mukherjee concluded that the work is a forgery dating probably from the seventh or eighth decades of the seventeenth century.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Facism of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (AC De)

De: “Arcye visnau [break] when it will teach military art, with tilaka, soldiers will, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna (laughter) We want that. Marching with military band, Hare Krsna. You maintain this idea. Is it not good? ....[...]... When there will be military march of Krsna conscious soldiers. Anyone who does not believe in Krsna, Blam! (laughter) Yes. The same process as the Mohammedans did, with sword and Koran, we'll have to do that. Do you believe in Krsna or not? No, sir. Blam! Finished. (laughter, Prabhupada laughs)...[...]... What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that. (laughter) Then it will be counteraction of communist movement. And you think like that.”  (Morning Walk March 15, 1974, Vrndavana)
De"It is not that because Mohammed used a sword, we also must use a sword, No ! - we can use a Gun. We will ask -...You like Krishna ?? No -- Booom.. You like Krishna ? No -- Booom . We can use everything for Krishna, we can use the ATOM BOMB FOR KRISHNA !!
 “Arjuna was a great Vaishnava, and he was killing. Bhima was a great Vaishnava, and he was killing. Dhruva Maharaja was a Vaishnava, and he was killing. Parikshit Maharaja was killing. Prahlada Maharaja was killing. Rama was killing. Krishna was killing. Practically speaking, Vaishnavas are killers.” 
: "
Oh, yes. Why not? Kill them."
De: "We have to kill this civilization of mudhas....those who are mudhas, we have to kill them. This is our business. Kill all the mudhas."
"Kill them. Finish. Just like Parasurama did. Kill all them, twenty-one times."
De: "What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that."
De: "You will get government...[....].... You turn all the people Krishna conscious, then you become President
De: "If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, he should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer's tongue and kill the offender."

Tim Lee aka PADA is unable to serve his guru Prabhupada.  PADA was unable to serve Prabhupada in 1977 when he dressed up as a gopi with his buddies in the Gopi Bhava Club in Los Angeles.  When he was chastised for the offense by Prabhupada himself, PADA screamed at Prabhupada and walked out and never returned.  Years later, PADA decides he is the most advanced and knowledgeable devotee, analyzing, criticizing and attacking any other devotee that PADA disagrees with.  In 2011 PADA himself was defending Tattva Darshana das, a convicted sex offender who was sentenced to prison in Cambodia for sex with under age girls.   PADA launched a smear campaign against Sri Mukunda das when Sri Mukunda exposed the connection between PADA , the HAre Krishna Society and Tattva Darshan das.

Tim Lee who lives in Berkeley, Ca, is still unable to serve Srila Prabhuapda.  There is a temple in Sunnyvale where PADA could go serve full time.  He likes to claim credit for everything this temple does, but yet Tim Lee is unable to serve in that temple. Tim Lee is not a real devotee.  He is still the blooped devotee he was when he screamed at Prabhupada and stormed out.  Nothing has changed.  He is still giving Prabhupada an enormous amount of negative publicity.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


I just came across this website because I was looking for blogs by Ex-Hare Krishnas like myself. I was born to Hare Krishna parents and was indoctrinated my entire young life, only in recent years have I been able to break away and it hasn’t been easy, I’ve had to go through a lot of therapy and healing to undo the brainwashing, but I’m getting there. The outisde world isn’t perfect but it’s MUCH better than the hell I grew up in.
I’m saying all this because I’m grateful to find people like me who see ISKCON for what it truly is. I thought I was alone in this, it’s good to know that there are others who understand what I’ve gone through.
Thank you.
What PADA and Prabhupada really think about women:

Lecture on BG Hawaii, February 3rd, 1975
Prabhupada: To understand Brahman is not the business of tiny brain. Alpha-medhasan. There are two Sanskrit words, alpa-medhasa and sumedhasa. Alpa-medhasa means having little brain substance. Physiologically, within the brain there are brain substance. It is found that the brain substance in man is found up to 64 ounce. They are very highly intellectual persons. And in woman the brain substance is not found more than 34 ounce. You’ll find, therefore, that there is no very great scientist, mathematician, philosopher, among women. You’ll never find because their brain substance cannot go.
how PADA's cult deals with child abuse:

Despite having been alerted to the physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse of children in its gurukula boarding schools and other schools as early as the 1970s, ISKCON and the other defendants conspired to suppress any public disclosure, or disclosure to gurukula children’s parents, of the pattern and practice of rampant abuse at its gurukulas. ISKCON fraudulently concealed this information for decades, allowing the offending gurukula teachers and supervisors continued access to children for their sexual gratification and to subject them to physical, emotional and mental abuse. Defendants also endeavored to dissuade and discourage parents of gurukula children from visiting the schools. This was done at least in part to preserve the secrecy surrounding the abuse of the Krishna children.

PADA continues by defending Akshaya Patra although they have been poisoning little children for years now.  He doesn't say a word about that:

Source:, Aug 3 (IANS) The Congress Saturday asked the Goa government to rule out ISKCON as one of the suppliers for the mid-day meal scheme, which is in the process of being overhauled after a string of scandals....(...)... “The Congress party is completely opposed to the idea of ISKCON being invited to cook and give food under the mid-day meal scheme,”

BANGALORE: Tension prevailed when a few students of BBMP Girls High School at Mathikere complained of nausea and headache after consuming mid-day meal supplied by Akshaya Patra Foundation on Thursday.

PUNE: The municipal school board of the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) has instructed the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) not to supply mid-day meal to Madhukar Pawale school in Nigdi till the report about suspected food poisoning incident is out.

Source: A lizard was found in A mid-day meal supplied by the ISKON trust to a Palwal government school on Monday.

Forty-nine students of the BBMP girls’ high school in Mattikere fell ill due to suspected food poisoning on Thursday after they consumed breakfast supplied by International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) through its Akshaya Patra project.
Gurgaon: The lunch is prepared and transported by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) at their kitchen in Sector 37.

Source: Over 60 girls of Mathikere High School run by the BBMP were hospitalized on Thursday afternoon when they fell sick after their midday meal served by Akshaya Patra.
As many as 46 girls from the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike Girls' Composite Pre-University College at J.P. Park (in Mathikere) took ill after consuming food supplied by the Akshaya Patra Foundation to the college here on Thursday morning.
Over 49 students of the BBMP girls’ high school in Mattikere fell ill due to suspected food poisoning on Thursday after they consumed breakfast supplied by International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) through its Akshaya Patra project. 

HT Coresspondent, Hindustan Times Bengaluru/Bhilwara/Nagpur, July 31, 2013
Rats and lizards — that’s what is being served to students in the world’s largest school meal programme. And to make matters worse, in one of the cases, the meal was supplied by International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon).

Source: inchworms — the name for moth larvae of family Geometridae — were found on Friday in sambar served to children of Rajkiyakrit Harijan Madhya Vidyalaya, Sitaramdera, as part of the midday meal cooked by Iskcon Food Relief Foundation.
From the Tim Lee blog Krishna1008:

"Even some of the Hell's Angel (sic) motorcycle people collect food every year to feed small children, they have some sense of what is right and what is not. Thus, the people who worship Satan are not trying to stop small children from eating, meanwhile some of our so-called Prabhupada people have made that their biggest priority item. No one else wastes their lives stopping this type of program, what to speak of those spending $20 million suing the people who are feeding children as the GBC goondas are doing."

>First of all Tim Lee doesn't feed anyone.  Tim Lee doesn't collect a penny to feed a cat.  So why doesn't Tim Lee go collect money to feed children.  He can't.  He has no idea how to even feed himself, what to speak of helping others.  So the Hell's Angles are doing more for children than Tim Lee will ever do <

Friday, May 8, 2015

Make no mistake about it.  This blog is dedicated to exposing the racist, sexist, violent teachings of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the pedophile activities and other criminal behavior or ISKCON / Prabhupadanugas / and other dangerous off-shoots of this dangerous cult.  This is a CULT created by Bhaktivinode, Bhaktisiddhanta and Bhaktivedanta. 

ISKCON / PADA / PRABHUPADANUGAS like to claim that Prabhupada was a pure devotee, devoid of material desires and completely perfect and self-realized.  They claim he is beyond material contamination and never made mistakes.  Perfect always and knower of past present and future.  He also claimed that Krishna spoke to him.  Told him the Potato Chips were too salty.  Krishna dictates the books to Prabhupada.  so while Krishna is intimately speaking and dictating to Prabhupada, Krishna never tells him about Bhavananda or Kirtanananda molesting little boys or that the Sankirtan leaders were screwing all the ladies in the sankirtan party..  He never told Prabhupada that Guru Kripa and Yasodanandana were ripping off the Japanese in Japan.  Stealing and robbing like common criminals.
Tim Lee aka PADA aka Puranjana das was the first boy to dress up like a gopi in ISKCON.  He offended his guru, threw a temper tantrum, then left his guru's movement humiliated.  but here he forgets his past and posts about Sai Baba's devotees dressing up like gopis.  Just Remember, like PADA always says, HE DID IT FIRST YEARS AGO. 

This is what Tim Lee was doing years ago in ISKCON before he blooped in humiliation.
ISKCON and Prabhupadanugas (PADA Hare Krishna Society, IRM, Bangalore, or whatever you want to call them), see Krishna as a transgendered and transsexual God.  Tim Lee or PADA or BOBO or Purnajana or Yasodanandana's closeted lover has painted Krishna as a transgendered  or androgynous God. There is nothing wrong with a Transgendered God, except that ISKCON / PADA demonizes homosexuals while protecting convicted child molesters and pedophiles, including posting bail and visiting them after release from prison.  Even defending them publicly on the Hare Krishna Society web page.   So what kind of twisted cult is this?

We now expose Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's chief blogger and hate speech writer - PADA deliberately delivering misinformation. He is an American who lives in a trailer (Berkeley, Ca trailer trash) …a well known Hindu hater. His name is Tim Lee aka. Bobo aka. PADA aka. Puranjana das